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Michael D. Ashley

Michael D. Ashley

Embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and well-being with MoveTowardHappy, where the power of setting goals and building positive habits takes center stage.

The Power of Goal Setting

The Power of Goal Setting

Michael D. Ashley

Michael D. Ashley

Unlock the keys to personal and professional growth through effective goal-setting, understanding the psychology behind achievable objectives, and harnessing the power of visualization for success.

Mastering Habits

Mastering Habits

Michael D. Ashley

Michael D. Ashley

Harness the power of consistency to drive personal growth, understand the science behind habits, and learn how to build and break habits for lasting success in various aspects of life.

Setting SMART Goals : A Step-by-Step Approach

Setting SMART Goals : A Step-by-Step Approach

Michael D. Ashley

Michael D. Ashley

Discover the power of SMART goals and how defining clear, specific, and achievable objectives aligned with your values can drive success in various aspects of life.

Morning Rituals : For a Productive Day Ahead

Morning Rituals : For a Productive Day Ahead

Michael D. Ashley

Michael D. Ashley

Discover the essential morning rituals for a productive day ahead, including the benefits of physical activity, crafting a nourishing breakfast, and the importance of prioritizing tasks."

Overcoming Procrastination : Strategies for Taking Action

Overcoming Procrastination : Strategies for Taking Action

Michael D. Ashley

Michael D. Ashley

Discover essential strategies for overcoming procrastination, prioritizing goals, and optimizing productivity, along with effective time management techniques and recommended productivity tools for success in personal and professional pursuits.

Being Scientific : The Science Behind Successful Habit Formation

Being Scientific : The Science Behind Successful Habit Formation

Michael D. Ashley

Michael D. Ashley

Explore the profound impact of habits on daily life, from providing structure and efficiency to delving into the neuroscience behind habit formation, and gain actionable insights for breaking free from negative habits and cultivating positive routines.

Setting Long-Term Goals : Planning for Your Future

Setting Long-Term Goals : Planning for Your Future

Michael D. Ashley

Michael D. Ashley

Unlock the keys to achieving long-term success by understanding the importance of vision, identifying passions and values, setting S.M.A.R.T goals, and breaking them down into actionable milestones, all while cultivating a growth mindset and maintaining motivation through mentorship and accountability.

Mindfulness and Goal Achievement : Finding Balance in the Journey

Mindfulness and Goal Achievement : Finding Balance in the Journey

Michael D. Ashley

Michael D. Ashley

Discover the transformative power of awareness, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence in achieving goals, while learning effective strategies to overcome distractions, manage stress, and cultivate resilience on your path to success.